Gallery Opening Exhibition


Ship Shape Gallery Grand Opening Exhibition, 22nd November, Auckland, New Zealand.


"Step into a World of Captivating Creativity"

Ship Shape Art Gallery Grand Opening

We are very excited to invite you, our friends, family and customers to the @shipshapetattoo and @shipshapegallery Grand Opening Exhibition! Come and see what we have been working on this past year, building our amazing new space.

Immerse yourself in the realm where imagination knows no boundaries, as the city eagerly awaits the unveiling of its newest cultural gem. The air is brimming with anticipation as art enthusiasts, connoisseurs, and curious minds flock to the highly anticipated grand opening of Ship Shape Art Gallery, an oasis nestled within the bustling countryside north of Auckland city.

As the doors swing open, guests are transported into a realm where the brushstrokes of genius and the sculpting finesse of masters come alive. The gallery's walls express an exquisite tapestry of artistic expression, adorned with beautifully crafted masterpieces that reflect the myriad of emotions, stories, and perspectives that traverse human experience.
From classical to contemporary, the gallery showcases a seamless fusion of diverse art forms, immersing visitors in a kaleidoscope of colors, textures, and mediums. Every corner of the gallery beckons, revealing an intricate world of astounding creativity, evoking profound emotions, and igniting intellectual exploration.

The grand opening ceremony promises to be a spectacular affair, with notable artists, esteemed collectors, and influential figures from the art world gathering to celebrate this landmark event. Savory appetizers and tantalizing beverages will be served, creating an ambiance of festivity and stimulating conversations amidst the breathtaking beauty of the artwork.
Whether you are an art enthusiast, an avid collector, or simply seek inspiration, the art gallery's grand opening provides an unparalleled opportunity to indulge in the transformative power of art. It invites you to feast your eyes upon breathtaking beauty, provoke thought-provoking conversations, and bask in the sheer joy of experiencing art that celebrates the boundless depths of human creativity. Step into this enchanting realm; let the art gallery's grand opening become your gateway to exploring hidden worlds, igniting your imagination, and embarking on a journey of visual enchantment that will leave an indelible mark on your soul. The canvas awaits you, eager to share its secrets and transport you into a world where art reigns supreme.

There will also be an outstanding collection of art for sale from:

Jeremiah Barba @jeremiahbarba
Mayonaize @mayonaize
Chris nieves @chris_nieves_portrait_artist
David Gluck @davidgluck
Andrew Swarbrick @lhpandy
Carlos Torres @carlostorresart
Sergio Sanchez @sergiosanchezart
Matt Jordan @mattjordantattoo
Kasey Dibello @kaseydibellotattoo
Dean Sacred @greyxghost
Mat Hurtado @mathurtado
Nato @natotattooart
Ben Kaye @dbkaye
Jason Baker @jason_bakertattoo
Michael Hsieh @mish_tattoo
Nathan Mathewson @nathan_m_tattoos_
Nicklas Wong @tattoosbynicklaswong
Poch @pochtattoos
Nikko Hurtado @nikkohurtado
Ryan Evans @ryan_evans
Matthew James @matthewjamestattoo
Chris Guest @chrisguestartist
Hokowhitu Sciascia @inglourious_hoko
Crispy Lennox @crispylennox
Brent McCown @brentmccown_tattootatau
David The Robot @davidtherobot
Kurt Staudinger @613tattoo
Mystik @mystiktattoos
Hamish McLauchlan @theblackcloud
Benjamin Laukis @benjaminlaukis
Nick Noonan @nicknoonantattoo

  • Ship Shape Gallery Grand Opening Exhibition

  • November 22nd

  • Ship Shape Gallery, 1443 Dairy Flat Highway, Auckland



November 22nd
